
Boulder vs. Fort Collins

Boulder vs. Fort Collins

The debate between Boulder and Fort Collins on which college town is better has been going on for years. Both are hailed as America’s best college towns. Not to mention, they’ve both been awarded several times when it comes to beer, biking, fitness, and eco-friendliness. But when it comes down to it, there are significant differences that can make Boulder or Fort Collins the better choice. 

Boulder vs. Colorado Springs

Boulder vs. Colorado Springs

Boulder and Colorado Springs are similar in many ways. Both have a highly focused active and outdoor lifestyle, along with a small-town feel. However, Boulder is a lot closer to the mountains so hiking opportunities are second to none. When it comes to nightlife, both are similar as well. Food-wise, Boulder has better options. But when it comes down to price, Boulder is about 3x more expensive.

Boulder vs. Denver

Boulder vs. Denver

If there’s one thing Boulder and Denver are similar in, it’s that both have a lot to offer outdoor enthusiasts. But aside from that and great local food options, that’s pretty much all that makes the two similar. One might say Boulder is better if you’re looking for family-oriented activities. Whereas in Denver, it’s ideally for those that enjoy a vacation where there’s a lot more going on.